The Islamic republic is a paranoid state, especially when dealing with the west and with Sunni Islam.America's CIA overthrew the Mossadegh government in the 50's and that hasn't been forgotten. America aided the Shah in his repression. Ameica condoned Saddam's war with Iran in the 80's turning a blind eye towards his use of WMD. While America tries to stop an Iranian nuclear program, it tacitly ignores the nuclear arsenal of Israel. To Iran' having nukes is security. The west meddles in Middle eastern politics, Iran dealt with British control of her oil industry, America's aims in dominating the Gulf, Russia' aspirations for a warm water port, to name a few. America is now miltarily active on the east and western borders of Iran and in the Gulf. India, Pakistan and Israel possess nukes, why shouldn't Iran? Iran sees herself from a historical perspective as the natural leader and hegemon in the Middle East. She has a 2,500 year old legacy of dominance in the region. For Iran, nukes are a deterrent and a status symbol of regional power. Iran is not going to surrender her nuclear program just because Obama. Bush or the UN want them to.
They don't trust the west(with good reason) and that is going to make real diplomacy difficult. It matters little whose in power when the smoke of the current crisis clears. Khamenei and Rafsanjani, Ahmedinejad and Moussavi, all are in favor of a nuclear Iran. Perhaps Iran just wants to have the ability to assemble one, if need be. Iran probably won't export nukes to terrorists, as of yet Iran has not given terrorists any of her chemical weapons.
As the revolution changes generations and rhetoric, one hopes Iran will become a willing partner working towards stabilty in the region. Accepting that is the only thing that will probably work for America in the long run. It certainly has its advantages. America needs Iran,s help to stabilize both Iraq and Afghanistan
They don't trust the west(with good reason) and that is going to make real diplomacy difficult. It matters little whose in power when the smoke of the current crisis clears. Khamenei and Rafsanjani, Ahmedinejad and Moussavi, all are in favor of a nuclear Iran. Perhaps Iran just wants to have the ability to assemble one, if need be. Iran probably won't export nukes to terrorists, as of yet Iran has not given terrorists any of her chemical weapons.
As the revolution changes generations and rhetoric, one hopes Iran will become a willing partner working towards stabilty in the region. Accepting that is the only thing that will probably work for America in the long run. It certainly has its advantages. America needs Iran,s help to stabilize both Iraq and Afghanistan
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