How is it that the party of Lincoln, the freer of slaves has now become what, at times, seems to be a white supremacist organization. The far right version of the party seems, these days, to be little different from the KKK, Aryan Nation and The American Nazi party. Sad. Forget the names hung on Obama: Antichrist,Muslim terrorism, Facist, Marxist, weak on security etc. the real name they want to call him is Nigger and now he has appointed a Spic to be a supreme court justice(forgive my usage of politically incorrect epithets, but I am sure these words are echoed by Limbaugh,Gingrich,Cheney and company) As America moves toward a more diversified and homgeneous nation it scares the shit out these"I am destined to rule" old WASPs. Their day is over, their racism is over and hopefully their imperialism is over. And they are scared and that's what makes them dangerous. Now more states are coming to the conclusion that same sex couples deserve the same rights as married people. Listening, the other day, to Neal Boortz, i was surprised to hear him support same sex freedoms based on his view that the constitution guarantees equal rightrs to all. Well Neal is not a Republican, he is a Libertarian. While i don't agree with his assessments of the Obama administration, I respect his devotion to the Constitution. Oh yes, WASPs now ell have Fags to worry about.
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