Need i say more. Of course theres the congressman caught foot tapping for male action in in a public restroom. For religious strength and leadership we have the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Haggard. Mark Sanford and John Ensign held major power positions in the senate and party. Looks like the party of moral values is crumbling away. I'm not saying that Democrats,Libertarians,Populists(John Edwards) or Communists don't engage in hanky panky. Clinton took it to the Oval Office. But Edwards and Clinton didn't preach moral strength like our republican friends do. Whose next? My bet is Haley Barbour. A man that ugly has to use prostitutes or maybe he'll just hold up McDonalds and steal a couple of hundred Big Macs.
This will upset Rush so much, he'll have to pop a few dozen oxycontins to be able to continue to preach his vile crap.
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