It was saddening to hear about events yesterday in DC.One brave security guard killed, children subjected to viewing the horror and the desecration of a memorial to tolerance.Hate groups abound in the world. Certainly fundamentalist Islam comes to mind, the KKK and Aryan nations, fringe Christianity too( Evangelicals are more likely to support torture) When it becomes national policy you get Nazis, Apartheid and the Native American holocaust. It is rooted in many different things, tribalism, religion, nationality but it has in common the inability of people to deal with those who are different and with change. America is going thru a big change. From a white Eurpean society to a multinational entity. America has always claimed to be the melting pot, but in reality minorities never rose to the top. Now thats happening and it scares the crap of these supremacists. The sad thing is this crackpot was known to be a sower of hate. Yes, America has a first amendment, and Americans can express themselves freely, but when it turns to this kind of evil it must be reckoned with. Terrorism comes in many forms, shapes and colors, all equally abhorent. I expected to see some of this kind of behavior when Barak Obama was elected president. i thought, perhaps it would lead to assination attempts, but terrorism and hatred hold to no know pattern. And innocents die.
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