" Be still and know that I am god."Eckhart Tolle calls it the stillness of the presence of the Now. that "us" who we think we are, is illusion. In the end, there is the stillness and unity of all creation. We humans, endowed with thought, have entered a world where the now is unimportant. Its either about what happened to me, or whats going to happen to me.Content and form. Yet in the Now is god. Baba RamDass entitiled his great spiritual guide "Be here Now" AA said," Yesterday is history, tomorow is a mystery, the now is a gift of god, thats why they call it the present. We weave our individual dramas and we weave our collective dramas(religion, nationhood etc.) We want more, we want completeness, yet we ignore the now and chase the completeness into the future. Look at people who "have made it" They don't think they've made it. The list is long, Michael Jackson, Gov. Sanford, Britney Spears, Bernie Madoff to name a few, who by our social standards made it. But they still weren't complete. Put this into collective form and you get war, chaos, discord, envirnmental degradation as we collectively seek more, never getting to where we want to go.
Eckhart Tolle asks us to look at a flower and after we obseve the beauty, the sensual experiences, we can see the perfect stillness, the spaciousness, the emptiness that it is. There, in that perfect stillness resides god, formless,nameless,unexplainable but eternally still.
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