I first used this term a few posts ago. It is not my creation, I heard it first on CNN.com in a commentary and I liked it. I am seeing more and more use of this term and its sibling The Christian Taliban. After reading about Sarah Palin's latest ploy to gain media attention and the noise within the Republican party in reponse to it, I am again reminded about this group of losers,has beens, wannabes and wing nuts that form the American Taliban. Limbaugh is certainly their Mullah Omar and Cheney could fill the shoes of bin Laden with his penchant for undisclosed locations. Fox news worships these idiots and gives them a forum to disseminate thier hatred. They are dangerous, supporters og greed, imperialism and a religious fundamnetalism that rivals the real Taliban. They began the 2012 presidential election campaign the day Obama won. One hopes, with such an early entry into this, that they will fade away before the actual election and in the next 3 1/2 years the much injured republican party will find an image and leade suitable to the party of Abe Lincoln. If they don't go away, they will surely spell the downfall of America
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