The Valley Swim Club in the sururbs of Philadelphia, PA is in hot water. Recently the asked a group of Black and Hispanic children to leave. Thechildren had changed "the complexion" and "atmosphere" of the club, was the comment they made. Racist remarks were heard and there was fear that things might be stolen. The club had taken about $2000 in payment from the organization so the inner city kids could go swimming this year. All of a sudden a bus load of dark skinned kids arrived and they changed their minds,later saying they weren't equipped to deal with kids, citing "safety" issues. Now they are worried about a law suit. They"apologized", but still contended they weren't racist. NO? What then? Afraid some of that melanin might get into the water? This is American learnd racism, pure and simple. A fear, brought on, not by experience or reality, but by word of mouth, passed along generations.
I recently spoke with a former lady friend of mine. She is very dedicated to the arts, especially theater and film. I told her I was watching an Iranian film(by Kiarostami) and she said, " I don't like Iranians, I don't like the way they treat Americans. Now I wasn't watching a film by Mahmoud Ahmedinejad or Ayatullah Khamenei, Hadn't she heard about all the Iranians disputing the election and wanting to express freedom?Probably, but she had been conditioned, by events to dislike Iranians. Just like Sikhs where terrorized in America after 9/11 becuase they wear turbans. Ignorance. Its the same ignorance that stalks Islamic fundamentalists too, ignorance based on listening to the lies of the likes of Ayman Zawahiri
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