Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Running down the road,

going to a doctors appointment, I engaged in one of my favorite fantasies. I win the lottery( of course, I don't even play the lottery, but recently
I entered publishers clearing house stuff) OK truck and TV cameras roll, I win a couple of million. Wow! build me a new house , , go to Kashgar, to India, buy a cherry red '40 Ford coupe all restored.Go back to Okinawa, maybe even Vietnam and put a few loose ghosts to rest. No booze, no drugs, I,m clean and wouldnt go there for a couple of mill. World cruise.
Anyway it was a simple visit,new doctor now that insurance is running out. Local clinic, a quicky.WRONG a very nice doctor and thorough exam( even though I brought records) He discovers more skin cancer. OK been there, done that..ole pussy kind o cancer.. basal cell. No sweat.Not TODAY, today its melanoma, and a biospsy is taken. this shit can kill you.
So running down the road, going back home, its a whole math thing. My chances of this biopsy being positive, of being relatively advanced, being untreatable and killing me in six months are far better than winning a lottery.
So that puts my new found lottery riches in different perspective. I am back to being mortal, old and not in the best of health now. A couplamill. Hmm Jenny needs a new house built. a brand new storage barn with kennels, her bills paid and some kind of retirement set up for her. So thats maybe half my winnings. OK leave some money to some needy friends( my ex fiancee Judith, comes to mind, shes struggled all her life.) My ex wife, A Charity endowment of some kind, Native American schools come to mind. Oh shit, I only have $500 left! Oh well.
Later, much later I wonder why a country clinic took the time to check when my fancy and expensive HMO never follows up on by basal cell carcinoma by checking me. Why this country clinic took the biopsy today not made another appointent for next week and the HMO does.I won't get on a healthcare thing, but it does make ya wonder.

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