Saturday, January 31, 2009

Error correction last post

The wall street idiots gave themselves 18 BILLION in bonuses not million!

GOD is pissed!

Well he's not really pissed,probably doesn't care.Anyway we've fucked things up so much, things
are beginning to happen, and the Old Testament god, Ole El-Shaddai, he would say he's pissed( I use he or god for two reasons, one I'm a male and secondly understanding the totality of god, and the limitations of language, so I will use he)
We've pissed off Mother Earth. We've polluted, stolen , abused,

and tortured this planet. We've instituted massive climate which will lead to floods . These floods will inundate highly populated coastal areas and make Katrina look like a dust devil. Water is growing scare, especially clean water. Muammer El Qaddafi is mining water in the Sahara andwill wipe out a 10,000 year old fossil water deposit. Air, well you know, we get air quality reports with the weather. We have delcare war on Mother Earth and SHE WILL WIN.
The engine that runs our civilization is running out of fuel.No matter how much we drill,baby drill, we'll exhaust the supply before 2050. And do you think we'll have a replacement? Not until current energy providers control distribution. Here's what might happen i we don't address this. War will come to control oil. Oh yeah you say, but its already started. We(USA) are in Iraq and no matter what the political spin is, we are going to own that oil. Russia moved on Georgia while America was mired in problems and election and a lame duck president with zero support. It was the opening move for the Russians. We admiited India back into nuclear country club of "responsible" members. Why? What if Pakistan crumbles and Al Qaeda and Mullah Omar get nukes? forget Israel and Palestine, that will fade into memory and become a minor skirmish.China's economy is growing and she will have the wealth to dominate trade. When the clouds clear the winners will be India and China and America will be ofered a seat in the has been club next to Britain and France.
The economy that governs our way lie, globally, is collapsing. This ain't just an American thing. Oh they want to patch it up, thats the stimulus program, we need to get credit back! lend money keep people spending more than they earn. how long will that fix last. Greed is a cancer in the world economic system. Billions given to banks and today CNN reprts almost 20million in bonuses given out in 2008. We need a total change in our liestyles. Is that really going to happen? No commercials on TV just good educational and entertaiment stuff, yeah even porn, but no ads please. Hollywood will stop making films glorifying theft, violence,abuse of women, etc. Yeah sure.
At this point 800 years ago, Genghis khan and the Mongols appeared on the horizon,black death the next century, well that changed the game plan.But today, no Genghis, Alexander, or Attila is around. Osama, well, these days he's just an impotent old fool. Probably regrets it too, could have gone out in glory, a martyr and saint, instead he'll fade away, forgotten. And he knows this.
Our spiritual values are useless. Today's religions cannot cope with the changes. Christianity is divided between liberals and ultra conservatives. And the ulta conservatives are oranized and armed. Then of course there is Rome. Still thinking Luther never showed up and Constantine still rules the empire. What Would Jesus DO?, Probably not be a Christian. Benedict should join Osama, both old fools. Islam has been hijacked by extremists and the moderate ulema have little voice. There is no head in Islam. Sunni and Shia are getting closer because they face a common enemy in the Israeli-American thing.
Buddhists just don't care that much, its the spiritual world that counts not this false reality.
So do we go the way of dinosaurs? I think not. The comments I made are worst case scenarios and they don't have to happen. Its up to us.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Not the little pics you use to identify yourself in online communities.Avatar comes from the Sanskrit word avatara which something like emanation from god.Actually avatar comes from avatarati which literally means decent(from a supreme being) for a spiritual purpose. I've noticed that theologians are fond of emanations.Aristotle discussed emanations. So what they might be is when god takes a form other than non form. In Hinduism, they are almost god on earth,Krishna and Rama being avatars of Vishnu. Until the advent of the internet, this was where you probably most commonly ran into avatar.
Whether descent or emanation, it seems avatars are sent to the planet to guide men, or perhaps they are men who, thru spiritual practice, gained an ininite knowledge of god. We find them in one form or another in all major faiths. Christianity only allows one,Jesus Christ. Islam tells us Muhammad was the last one we get. Hinduism has people claiming to be avatars today.( One imagines a true avatar does not have to announce their presence.) I believe they are amongst us at all times, that certain people gain a spiritual level that makes them avatars. Christians and Muslims might call them saints,Buddhist call them Boddhisattvas. Granted that religion is a cultural expression of god knowledge, we are going to have our avatars presented in ways that people understand within their own cultural milieu. One document I read, but cant't recall the name, suggests that there is an avatar of every age.
Makes sense to me. So who is todays avatar. Certainly not Ted Haggard,Pope Benedict, Osama bin Laden or Rod Blagojevich. With a global proliferation of small wars and conflicts we find no one taking a spiritual stand except for one, a self confessed simple monk. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama is the only one to address our age from a pulpit of peace. I have read much of his writings,listened to some of his lectures and am convinced his message is one the world needs to hear. Compassion is his main theme. Imagine if Israelis and Palestinians focused on compassion. There would be no senseless killing of innocents by both sides. It seems hypocritical to imagine advancing god's cause(whoever your god may be) thru killing and violence. Even in The Koran, Jihad is represented as a struggle, a personal struggle or spiritual advancement. Fundamentalism, whether christian or Muslim, does not take us anywhere near the fundamentals ascribed by the founders of those faiths. Fundamentalism is a philosophy of a belief system that is loosing its relevance in the world. And thats a dangerous neighborhood to be wandering around in alone.

They don't get it!

Recently the government has infused our banks and financial institutions with billions of dollars. It was designed to make these entities more financially solvent after getting stuck with tons of worthless paper, mostly of their own creation. So what happens. One company,AIG, hosts a fancy spa getaway party, others give themselves nice million dollar bonuses and one of the most troubled bank in the country,Citigroup, decided to spend their whole share on a new jet. Another CEO redecorated his ofice for over one million tax payer bucks. These stories abound and nothing happens except a few snide comments from the press. This is Nero fiddling while Rome burned(not a historical fact but a great phrase) They have no interest in change. The stimuli bills are designed to reinflate a blown out love doll. The economy, based on spending more than we make has collapsed. Yet these guys want to give the banks money to lend. Well they ain't lending it,look what happened last time they overlent. They want to maintain status quo. That being the life of the rich and privedged in America. Why give a shit about people with no health care when you have the best. Hell, John McCain forgot how many houses he owned in the middle of a housing crisis. People living on the streets, mortgages foreclosed,unemployed and this guy can count his houses and cars. Its obscene, thats what it is. I am not picking on McCain, it just that example comes readliy to mind. Another is Bernie Madof. Poor Bernie, has to live under house arrest in his $7 million dollar APARTMENT!
He ruined thousands, some of whom have no place to live. Oh well, he can afford justice. Probably health care too. So its all about the Benjamins. Ghetto kids bedeck themselves with fake gold symbols o affluence, Mercedes, Gucci, Rolex etc. They dream of pimping rides they'll never have and becoming Michael Vicks(whoops bad choice) Hopefully now black youth can look up to being president, rather than deal with icons created by the wealthy to separate these people from whay little cash they have. And christian fundamentalists rally about abortion ,gays and the threat of Islam. They think Jesus is coming, probably mostly for white people. Well if I were Jesus, I'd head off to Andromeda or some black hole rather than deal with this mess.

Correct diet

OK, so i was thinking,why don't animals suer rom tooth decay. Well maybe they do, but I've seen lots of skulls(former hunter and trapper) and I've never seen signs of decay. Wear maybe, but not decay. Even domestic animals, very liitle. I had a Malamute once and after i cleaned his skull, I noticed some porousity around his tooth line. but wild animals, no. Why? Perhaps they eat what they are supposed to eat. It would be interesting to know when decay appears in the primate fossil record. Did Australopithecines get cavities? Somewhere we changed our diet. Was it when we began to perer meat? Was it the advent of agriculture? Somewhere we got away from what we supposed to eat, or rather what we were designed to eat. Hunter/gather is a myth. its more like gatherer/hunter. We certainly savengers of meat in the beginnings of humanity. Homo Hablis wasn't a hunter, but he might drive jackals and vultures rom a fairly recent kill.(What is recent? Dogs can eat some pretty putrid meat. I've lived around the world and at one time or another have eaten some very strange stuf, hence my stomach tolerates much). Women folk were gatherers and the digging stick,not the club, was our first tool. So we ate alot of tubers and stuf in season. In cold climates we had to store ood and slow down our metabolism.
My conclusion is that our diet must be varied between meat and other foods. that the foods should locally grown, and that we eat whats in season(winter veggies in winter etc.) No additives, salt, spices,sugar,oils, etc. Boiled and grilled, mostly, maybe some raw too. have we evolved from that early menu? Probably not much. Paleolithic pizza is a myth.