Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On understanding Iran

The Islamic republic is a paranoid state, especially when dealing with the west and with Sunni Islam.America's CIA overthrew the Mossadegh government in the 50's and that hasn't been forgotten. America aided the Shah in his repression. Ameica condoned Saddam's war with Iran in the 80's turning a blind eye towards his use of WMD. While America tries to stop an Iranian nuclear program, it tacitly ignores the nuclear arsenal of Israel. To Iran' having nukes is security. The west meddles in Middle eastern politics, Iran dealt with British control of her oil industry, America's aims in dominating the Gulf, Russia' aspirations for a warm water port, to name a few. America is now miltarily active on the east and western borders of Iran and in the Gulf. India, Pakistan and Israel possess nukes, why shouldn't Iran? Iran sees herself from a historical perspective as the natural leader and hegemon in the Middle East. She has a 2,500 year old legacy of dominance in the region. For Iran, nukes are a deterrent and a status symbol of regional power. Iran is not going to surrender her nuclear program just because Obama. Bush or the UN want them to.
They don't trust the west(with good reason) and that is going to make real diplomacy difficult. It matters little whose in power when the smoke of the current crisis clears. Khamenei and Rafsanjani, Ahmedinejad and Moussavi, all are in favor of a nuclear Iran. Perhaps Iran just wants to have the ability to assemble one, if need be. Iran probably won't export nukes to terrorists, as of yet Iran has not given terrorists any of her chemical weapons.
As the revolution changes generations and rhetoric, one hopes Iran will become a willing partner working towards stabilty in the region. Accepting that is the only thing that will probably work for America in the long run. It certainly has its advantages. America needs Iran,s help to stabilize both Iraq and Afghanistan

Monday, June 29, 2009

Be Still

" Be still and know that I am god."Eckhart Tolle calls it the stillness of the presence of the Now. that "us" who we think we are, is illusion. In the end, there is the stillness and unity of all creation. We humans, endowed with thought, have entered a world where the now is unimportant. Its either about what happened to me, or whats going to happen to me.Content and form. Yet in the Now is god. Baba RamDass entitiled his great spiritual guide "Be here Now" AA said," Yesterday is history, tomorow is a mystery, the now is a gift of god, thats why they call it the present. We weave our individual dramas and we weave our collective dramas(religion, nationhood etc.) We want more, we want completeness, yet we ignore the now and chase the completeness into the future. Look at people who "have made it" They don't think they've made it. The list is long, Michael Jackson, Gov. Sanford, Britney Spears, Bernie Madoff to name a few, who by our social standards made it. But they still weren't complete. Put this into collective form and you get war, chaos, discord, envirnmental degradation as we collectively seek more, never getting to where we want to go.
Eckhart Tolle asks us to look at a flower and after we obseve the beauty, the sensual experiences, we can see the perfect stillness, the spaciousness, the emptiness that it is. There, in that perfect stillness resides god, formless,nameless,unexplainable but eternally still.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

From CNN: Pretty much the way it is

By John DeVore

(The Frisky) -- So, let's talk infidelity. Many ladies want to know why it is men cheat.
Men cheat for variety of reason and biology is one of them, writer says.

And here's what you want to hear, straight from the talk-hole of the testosterone enabled: men cheat because we are faithless, miserable dogs.
We are backstabbing, silver tongued two-faces who stalk any smooth pair of getaway sticks in a short black cocktail dress that happens to saunter into our lusty field of vision.
Men are horny wolves in fluffy sheep's clothing who delight in looking into your eyes and lying. Breaking hearts is our middle name. Why, at any given moment, while you're gabbing to your girlfriends about flowers purchased, omelettes made, sweet words whispered, we're picturing the nearest woman under the age of 25 in a sheer bikini, riding a mechanical bull.
We are just hopelessly addicted to that "new car smell." We love to make you miserable in our pursuit of total hotness, your fickle happiness not our concern.
And that's just part of it. If you want to blame someone for our cheating ways, blame evolution! We are hardwired to hunt, and to share our wicked cool genetic code with a world that demands that we do! The universe conspires to compel us to pursue that which retreats.
See, we cheat because we're cavemen, and our half-gorilla brains demand we spread as much of our seed over as much fertile ground as possible to make sure that our little caveboys have the chance to grow up and do likewise. And we do this quickly, mind you, because you never know when a woolly mammoth will shish kabob us on one of their mighty tusks. It's not our fault. It's biology, genetics, science! How can you question science? Without it, the curling iron would never have been invented!
Don't Miss
The Frisky: 8 ways to get out of paying on a date
The Frisky: Can you regrow a girl friendship?
The Frisky: How NOT to settle
Here's another reason men run around behind the backs of their doting, self-sacrificing, noble girlfriends and wives -- you don't adore us enough.
When Spartan warriors returned home from victorious campaigns, do you think their women greeted them with eye-rolls and shrugs? They were venerated supremely, celebrated for days upon days! Love was made to them, olives were pitted and fed to them, their wives could not get enough of their dangerous tales of adventure and carnage! Tales told over and over and over again.
And, at the end of each of these nights, as the mighty victors, now satiated and spent, drifted off to sleep, their ladyfolk would purr into their ears, "OMG, you are totally awesome." The Frisky: Nine signs he's a cheater
If you don't pat us on the back and tell us we're special, we will find someone who will, and that person, who will pat us on the back and tell us we're special will be, nineteen years old.
How could I forget this other important reason why men cheat -- we're addicted to sex!
It's not our fault we drool for hours over porn while you sleep. It's a diagnosable affliction, and while many of us probably don't really need to see a shrink to legitimately diagnose it, or to even go to rehab, you have to understand that it's beyond our control. We can't help ourselves.
Pity the booty junkie. And don't take our word for it -- actual relationship experts on television confirm that some, if not most, men are hooked on sleeping with as many women as they can. This in no way enables us to justify bad behavior and to escape responsibility for our actions. This is just a true fact, that men can become addicted to getting whatever it is they want without consequence.
Surely, as the more emotionally developed and sensitive gender, you can't negatively judge someone wrestling with such a malady. That would be cruel. The Frisky: In 21st Century what's considered cheating?
Get the point?
The truth is that men cheat for the same reason women cheat. And cheat you do.
There isn't a word for a women whose husband cheats on her. But the English language gives us a word for a man whose wife runs around on him. That word is "cuckold," and there are few names as limp and pitiful sounding as "cuckold." Maybe "smoosh."
Women can be faithless, and for centuries, they've done their fair share of tasting forbidden fruit. Literature is full of the sorrow women have caused: Menelaus laid siege to Troy because Helen ran away with another man. Othello smothered his beloved because he believed her to have cheated on him. Even frat boy romantic comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" was all based around that Kristen Bell, from "Veronica Mars," cheating on that funny fat dude. The Frisky: Once a cheater, always a cheater?
Plenty of blame to go around; it would be unfair to savage one gender so the other can enjoy the dismal pleasures of pointless victimization. But there is a reason people, men and women, cheat. The Frisky: Should you out a cheater?
And here's the fable part.
A dog was carrying a bone over a bridge. Looking down at the water under the bridge, the dog saw his reflection, which looked to the dog to be a bigger dog, carrying a bigger bone. Wanting the bigger bone he saw in the water, the dog barked and dropped his bone into the river. Stupid dog loses his bone.
We cheat because we're tempted to risk what we have for the promise of something that isn't, probably never was, and definitely won't last.
So... everyone is capable of cheating. We are our very own villain and that is a true fact. Makes us human, I suppose. The choice.
Ah well. It's a risk we all have to take, trusting the other person even though they could cheat. But without risk, there is no reward.

Republicans.. the moral and religious polestar of nation!

Need i say more. Of course theres the congressman caught foot tapping for male action in in a public restroom. For religious strength and leadership we have the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Haggard. Mark Sanford and John Ensign held major power positions in the senate and party. Looks like the party of moral values is crumbling away. I'm not saying that Democrats,Libertarians,Populists(John Edwards) or Communists don't engage in hanky panky. Clinton took it to the Oval Office. But Edwards and Clinton didn't preach moral strength like our republican friends do. Whose next? My bet is Haley Barbour. A man that ugly has to use prostitutes or maybe he'll just hold up McDonalds and steal a couple of hundred Big Macs.

This will upset Rush so much, he'll have to pop a few dozen oxycontins to be able to continue to preach his vile crap.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And..the culprit is...........Great Britain

Interesting turn of events in Iran,Brits have been "identified" as behind the protests. What does this mean? It means, for the Brits, that they are pulling out families and dependants from their embassy. It also means that America, The Great Satan, is NOT the culprit. Iran needs to blame the west for this unrest, rather than take any responsibility for a fixed election. Apparently there is a need to have things as they are, governmentally, anyway. Yet, with all Ahmedinejad's anti USA and Israel rhetoric, Iran places the blame on the Brits. Great scapegoat. Supporters of America in Iraq and of Israel(some would say they partially responsible for the Arab-Israeli crisis, due to their handling of the post WW I Palestinian mandate). But Israeli jets have Iranian grid coordinates in their computers. America has troops and weapons on either side of Iran and a navy in the gulf. Khamenei and his henchmen are afraid. And, to all you Republicans that think Obama is not standing up for democracy, he has diplomatically managed not to have the American name attached(so far) to this unrest, thus keeping the door open for dialogue. Good move, Barack!
Note: File picture does not represent anything going on in Iran presently, these are Pakistani muslims.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A man to watch

Ayatullah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. We know Rafsanjani as Ahmedinejad's predecessor as president. He has been portrayed as moderate to liberal, which means different things in Iran than it does in the West. Rafsanjani condemned the 1991 Gulf war and refused to lift the fatwa imposed by Khomeini on Salman Rushdie. He is a mutjahid(Islamic scholar) and holds its highest rank, Ayatullah. So if he gains power, you will not see the appearance of Playboy magazine and liquor stores opening in the bazaars. Rafsanjani's power lies in his chairmanship of an 86 man body called the Assembly of Experts. This group decides who will be the next Supreme Leader of the nation. They also have the power to depose a Supreme Leader, which is where I expect we will see some action. He is also holder of the chairmanship of a body called the Expediency Discemment Council, which resolves disputes between the Majlis(elected legislature) and the Council of Guardians(which deals with constitutional and electoral matters)
As Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei has backed the election of Ahmedinejad and is presently escalating the repression of dissent, many members of the Iranian government feel uncomfortable with that, and look to Rafsanjani to lead them out of this mess. He has already called for a meeting of the Assembly of Experts, but whether he has the votes to oust Khamenei is unknown. Rafsanjani has always had the support of the bazaaris(read yesterdays post). He favors a free market econony and dialogue with America. Watch for this sign: if the bazaaris decide to strike and close the shops, then we are headed towards what might become a revolution of sorts.
Little will really change internationally. Iran has become a regional power in the area and will want to exercise that power. She is active in Iraq and already siphons off quite a bit of Iraqi oil. The Arabs see Iran as wanting to spread the Shia version of Islam, and that frightens them. America needs Iran as a working partner in Iraq and in Afghanistan for American policy to succeed, yet has to be able to temper any Iranian imperialist aspirations to consol the Saudis and other gulf/oil states.
Here are some quotes from Rafsanjani to give you an idea of his political philosophy"

If one day, the Islamic world is also equipped with weapons like those that Israel possesses now, then the imperialists' strategy will reach a standstill because the use of even one nuclear bomb inside Israel will destroy everything. However, it will only harm the Islamic world. It is not irrational to contemplate such an eventuality. Of course, you can see that the Americans have kept their eyes peeled and they are carefully looking for even the slightest hint that technological advances are being made by an independent Islamic country. If an independent Islamic country is thinking about acquiring other kinds of weaponry, then they will do their utmost to prevent it from acquiring them. Well, that is something that almost the entire world is discussing right now. (December 2001)[26]
If the Americans attack Iran, the world will change. …They will not dare to make such a mistake (2004)[27]
We are not bothering anyone, but we have acquired nuclear expertise and we want to benefit from it to improve our life.
You need diplomacy and not slogans. This is the place for wisdom, the place for seeking windows that will take you to the objective. (2005)[28]
We want all the Palestinians back in their homeland, and then there can be a fair referendum for people to choose the form of state they want. Whoever gets the majority can rule. (2005)[29]
There is no doubt that America is a superpower of the world and we cannot ignore them. I think that Americans should gradually begin to adopt positive behavior rather than doing evil. They should not expect an immediate reaction in return for their positive measures. It will take time.[30]
I believe the main solution [referring to the nuclear issue] is to gain the trust of Europe and America and to remove their concerns over the peaceful nature of our nuclear industry and to assure them that there will never be a diversion to military use.[31]
Europe resolved a great problem – the problem of the Zionist danger. The Zionists, who constituted a strong political party in Europe, caused much disorder there. Since they had a lot of property and controlled an empire of propaganda, they made the European governments helpless. What Hitler and the German Nazis did to the Jews of Europe at that time was partly due to these circumstances with the Jews. They wanted to expel the Zionists from Europe because they always were a pain in the neck for the governments there. This is how this calamity fell upon the Muslims, especially the Palestinians, and you all know this history, more or less.[...]The first goal was to save Europe from the evil of Zionism, and in this, they have been relatively successful. [32]
Look, as long as we can enrich uranium and master the fuel cycle, we don’t need anything else. Our neighbors will be able to draw the proper conclusions.[33]

The quotes were taken from Wikipedia

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I have been, like many, following recent events in Iran with interest. Anyone who is following this can be confused by the serpentine channels of power within the Islamic government. In the final analysis, this really isn't about Moussavi and Ahmedinejad, its about a power struggle within the ranks of the Ayatullahs that run Iran. Between Ali Khamenei and Ayatullah Rafsanjani. The students are carrying the torch of this dissent. The military and conservative mullahs are reacting. Ayatullah Khamenei said yesterday in essence, that the election was an expression of divine will. As Iran's Supreme Leader and, according to the dictates set up by Ayatullah Ruhallah Khomeini, he is as infallible as a medieval pope. Apparently the masses reject this. This is a big crack in the theocracy. We have heard from the Mullahs, both sides, as they too are divided. We have heard from the students and intellectuals. The poor and under educated are manipulated by religious dogma and hatred to side with the government( Gee, just like in America!) The military stands ready. But what do the bazaaris think.? Bazaaris in Iranina society are the middle class shop owners from the bazaars and the rich merchants that rose from this class. In 1979 they were frimly behind Khomeini, but that is probably changing. Iran's economy is challenged today. Money is spent on a nuclear weapons program, financing Hamas and Hezbollah and little trickles down to the bazaars. Ahmedinijed promised economic reform but it didn't happen. Average Iranians must fear direct confrontation with Israel, who will nuke their weapons program without a second thought. They also fear war with America. Remember it was just 20 years ago that Iran was engaged with a long and bloody war with Saddam Hussein. Most bazaaris are old enough to remember those days. Where will they throw their power too? Whatever happens, Irans Islamic Revolution is finished, maybe not today, but in the final analysis the theocracy as we see it will fall. Who knows what will replace it?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's just scary

Today Leon Panetta said that maybe Dick Cheney is hoping for terrorist attack on America to justify his noise. No doubt! Limbaugh wants Obama to fail and today I listened to conservative talk show host Neal Boortz. Boortz advocated not allowing welfare recipients, seniors not owning their own home(free and clear) be denied the right to vote! Medical treatment for those on Social Security should be limited( so they die and not stress the system) These guys would make Hiltler proud.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Super rich rob the poor..Again!

OK, so you have to have a digital TV or converter box now to get free TV. Nothing is for free, especially whenthe super wealthy find new ways to steal money from the poor and the government. Most people who watch free TV don,t have satellite or cable, now they have nothing. Maybe the democrats, "champions of the poor", will devise a program whereby the government buys digital for the welfare poor. Even still, the super rich get their money, which is all that matters. And the working poor get zilch. The next thing will be vehicles. We'll develop a car, either very good gas mileage or new technology and stop selling old types. The car will be super expensive. For the poor it will be like living in Cuba, keeping old cars running no matter. You'll have to go deep into hock, thereby assuring you won't cause trouble at work and you can dull your pain watching crap on digital TV and learning new ways to hate people different from you. The super rich have got housing, health care, TV, insurance and credit in their pockets. Cars will be next,maybe then electric power. They can buy congressmen and senators to get their stuff, regardless of political party. Meanwhile the TVless poor will lose their ability to get good news and be forced to listen to talk radio. When is America going to wake to this giant ripoff? Its almost too late.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A message from our sponsor

A kinsman came to see Nasrudin, bringing a duck as a gift. Delighted, Nasrudin made duck soup and shared it with is guest. Soon one countryman after another began to call, each one a frined of a friend who brought you the duck. No more presents were forthcoming.
At length nasrudin was exasperated. One day yet another stranger appeared, "I am a friend of the friend of the relative who brought you thee duck. He sat down expecting a meal, Nasrudin handed him a bowl of hot water.
"What's this?"
"That is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck which was brought by my relative"

Friday, June 12, 2009

Expect Prophets!

Simply put, religion is just a set of symbols, culturally familiar to explain the unexplainable. Religions change and morph thru the appearance of prophets, sages,buddhas, etc. Almost never is the enlightened one totally accepted my the religious tradition that gave him birth. He is usually considered a rebel. This means that should Jesus return, the Jewish Messiah appear, the Islamic Madhi and Maitreya Buddha arrive, they will most certainly not be accepted by the "orthodox" of their faiths. Enlightened beings always walk amongst us, but are rarely heard by the masses, content with their views of ever changing cultural symbolism. Sometimes, the process needs a jump start, and prophets are listened to and followed. In the 1000+ year period, roughly between 500BC and 600AD we had the appearance of prophets, whose followers later based religions upon.
Aristotle and Plato,Jesus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, and Lao Tse. A lot of prophets for a short period of time and none of major import since. Why is this?
Culture changes, then religion changes. Paleolithic animism and hunting magic gave way gave way to multitudinous dieties and systems of relative complexity after the Neolithic and agricultural revolution. People now lived in towns, cities primarily, had surpluses, invented wealth and kings. They needed kings on high and a holy government of minor gods,angels, saints or spirits to fufil new needs. Paleolithic gods could not answer the new questions and prophets appeared, now only faded myths exist of them. By 500BC, the world order had changed again, city states faded, empires appeared, iron was the new technology, war became a profession..... and prophets appeared. The old religions were useless in new times and the sages tried to explain the mysteries in new symbols. Man had writing, the teaching survived.
Now in the 21st century, with vast advances in the scientific understanding of the universe, new information technologies and mans recent ability to totally destroy himself.Old religion is silent on answers. Old religions now begin to decay as their uselessness becomes evident. Muslim, Christian and Jewish fundamnetalism has turned religions into to creatures their founders would scarcely recognize. Eastern faiths have become repetitive in exercises of ritual. Oh, saints and prophets appear,The Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa to name two. But there influences are rarely felt by masses brainwashed by the confused clerics of the modern world.
Change is happening, expect Prophets!

Straight talk on Iran from CNN

This commentator has it right"

Commentary: Iran's nuclear work will go on

  • Story Highlights
  • Fawaz Gerges: Iranian elite is pleased with success of foreign policy
  • He says U.S.-led regime change in Iraq, Afghanistan strengthened Iran
  • Gerges: None of the presidential candidates is likely to change policy
  • He says nuclear program is likely to continue, whoever wins election
updated 10:17 a.m. EDT, Thu June 11, 2009
  • Next Article in World »
By Fawaz A. Gerges
Special to CNN
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Editor's note: Fawaz A. Gerges holds the Christian A. Johnson Chair in Middle Eastern Studies and International Affairs at Sarah Lawrence College. His most recent book is "The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global." This is the second of two pieces by Gerges on the Iranian election.

Fawaz Gerges says Iran's elite is united on the country's foreign policy, which they view as successful.

Fawaz Gerges says Iran's elite is united on the country's foreign policy, which they view as successful.

(CNN) -- Regardless of who wins the Iranian election, continuity will be the hallmark of Iran's foreign affairs and nuclear program.

A consensus exists among the ruling elite, including reformists and conservatives, that on balance, Iranian foreign policy has been successful in maximizing the country's national interests.

Iranian officials are convinced that the current foreign policy approach has earned the Islamic republic prestige and universal recognition. Taken seriously by friend and foe alike, Iran is a key player in world politics.

Seen from Tehran, the country has achieved most of its foreign policy priorities: After three decades of animosity and active opposition, the United States has finally recognized the legitimacy of the Islamic republic and its role as a pivotal regional power, even though it doesn't formally recognize the regime.

The Obama administration has reversed its predecessor's goal of regime change in Tehran and has sought to re-engage diplomatically with the ruling mullahs. In the past three years, in particular, Iranian leaders have demonstrated their regional weight and clout in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan and Pakistan, a testament to the emergence of Iran as a leading regional player.

None of the presidential candidates challenges the basic tenets of the country's international relations, even though leading reformist and conservative contenders criticize President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's extreme rhetoric, particularly the denial of the Holocaust, which antagonized the West and provoked international condemnation of Iran.

Both reformist candidates, Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, have said they would pursue a foreign policy of détente with the West and would be willing to meet with President Obama if it would help advance Iran's national interests. However, neither has proposed to deviate from the broad contours set by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the National Security Council.

Bush's global war on terror brought high dividends to the Islamic Republic. By overthrowing the pro-Sunni Taliban in Afghanistan, bitter enemies of Tehran's, and the Sunni-dominated Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, a historic rival of Iran's, the Bush administration swiftly turned Iran into the unrivaled superpower in the Persian Gulf.

The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq structurally changed the balance of power in Baghdad and empowered a Shiite-led coalition friendly to Tehran. Iran has now replaced the United States as the most influential actor in Iraqi politics by virtue of its co-option of most of the leading social groups there, particularly the Shiites, who represent more than 60 percent of the population, and the Sunni Kurds, at 20 percent.

Iranian political influence has spread far beyond Iraq. Today, Iran holds the torch of "defiance" and "resistance" to the U.S.-Israeli alliance in the Middle East; it has invested considerable capital in aiding "resistance" movements in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine like Jish al-Muhdi (Muqtada al-Sadr's militia), Hezbollah and Hamas.

Shiite-based Iran has appealed to many Sunni Arabs and Muslims over the heads of their rulers, despite a concerted campaign by pro-Western "moderate" Sunni-based Arab states to whip up anti-Shiite (anti-Iranian) sentiment amongst their population.

The United States needs Iran to ensure an orderly withdrawal of its troops from Iraq as well as a smooth political transition afterward. American officials also acknowledge that Iran's assistance would help stabilize a war-torn Afghanistan and reduce hostilities in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

As America's regional position has weakened, Iran has gained the upper hand and has effectively leveraged its influence by raising the ceiling of its demands from the Obama administration.

In my interviews with Iranian officials and their allies in the Middle East, they stress that a settlement with the United States (they hardly list other Western states) must explicitly recognize Iran's pivotal role in the Gulf and end efforts to isolate and undermine the Islamic-based government in Tehran. What they mean is that Iran must be factored in as a key player in any future settlement in Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Lebanon and Afghanistan.

For all these reasons, the next president will be unlikely to rethink Iranian foreign policy and strategic posture. At most, the international community should expect only minor changes in tactics and style.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama said Iran's obtaining a nuclear weapon would not only threaten Israel and the United States, it would be "profoundly destabilizing" to the international community. He said he would not let the proposed talks with the Islamic Republic go on forever, but the June presidential election would reveal whether there is a chance for progress by the end of the year.

If Obama thinks the election of a reformist president will bring about a shift in Iran's nuclear policy, he will be surprised to learn that there is little or no difference in the positions of leading candidates on the nuclear program. In fact, Iranians of all persuasions agree that their country should be allowed to develop nuclear technology and acquire the scientific know-how for further advancement.

Although Iran has made critical strides in its nuclear program during Ahmadinejad's term in office, the country's uranium enrichment program made its greatest advances during his more liberal predecessor's eight years in power.

It is unlikely that the next president will be willing or able to accede to the demands by the Western powers to suspend uranium enrichment. The supreme leader and the National Security Council are determined to advance the nation's nuclear program at all costs while stressing that enriching uranium is for peaceful purposes rather than developing nuclear weapons.

To avoid a confrontation and find an acceptable solution to Iran's nuclear program, Western leaders must take the security dilemma of their Iranian counterparts seriously. At the heart of Iran's drive to develop nuclear activities lies a quest for deterrence against a nuclear Israel and what they view as a menacing America.

Iranian leaders believe that possessing a nuclear deterrent will ensure the survival of their Islamic Republic by dissuading America from overthrowing their regime along the lines of Afghanistan and Iraq. America's invasion and occupation of Iraq was a wake-up call for the mullahs, who understandably felt threatened by the presence of 150,000 U.S. troops in their backyard.

Only by recognizing the legitimate fears and concerns of the Iranian leadership can a solution to the country's nuclear program be found. The challenge is to address Iran's security dilemma and provide its leaders with alternative means and assurances to going nuclear.

But that may be too little, too late because Iran already possesses the scientific know-how and is on the verge of clearing the last technological hurdles to building a nuclear weapon. Iranian scientists are racing against time to reach a nuclear breakthrough and present the world with a fait accompli.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Fawaz Gerges.

All About IranMahmoud AhmadinejadIraq WarNuclear Energy

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Terrorism at the Holocaust museum

It was saddening to hear about events yesterday in DC.One brave security guard killed, children subjected to viewing the horror and the desecration of a memorial to tolerance.Hate groups abound in the world. Certainly fundamentalist Islam comes to mind, the KKK and Aryan nations, fringe Christianity too( Evangelicals are more likely to support torture) When it becomes national policy you get Nazis, Apartheid and the Native American holocaust. It is rooted in many different things, tribalism, religion, nationality but it has in common the inability of people to deal with those who are different and with change. America is going thru a big change. From a white Eurpean society to a multinational entity. America has always claimed to be the melting pot, but in reality minorities never rose to the top. Now thats happening and it scares the crap of these supremacists. The sad thing is this crackpot was known to be a sower of hate. Yes, America has a first amendment, and Americans can express themselves freely, but when it turns to this kind of evil it must be reckoned with. Terrorism comes in many forms, shapes and colors, all equally abhorent. I expected to see some of this kind of behavior when Barak Obama was elected president. i thought, perhaps it would lead to assination attempts, but terrorism and hatred hold to no know pattern. And innocents die.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Health Alert, dont eat Slim Jims!!

This is a story on an ammonia explosion at the Conagra plant in Raleigh,NC where people died. Conagra is also responsible for Orville Redenbacher( you mean the nerdly old dude with a bow tie ain't real'...... like Santa, Jesus, Aunt Jemima and Col. Sanders) Anyway they make Healthy Choice foods and that is really pretty scary. Conagra is like a multinational food production giant, and like all the giants is primarily interested in profit. So if "Healthy" sells, we'll us it. But like ole Orville, its a massive amount of bullshit.If they have enough ammonia at a slim jim plant to make that kind of explosion, you wonder if thats going into your food. The only difference between Slim Jim and healthy Choice is that at healthy Choice factories the ammonia tank is painted green


The American Taliban

Where is George W. Bush? While his lackeys and cronies continue to rail against a freely elected government, old George remains silent. Perhaps he is deep in the hills of the Afghani-Pakistani border hanging out with Mullah Omar. After all he would find their male chauvinist, racist, religious fundamentalist policies much like those of his Neocon Republican brothers. Wishing for a bygone age when everything was viewed as perfect. While Omar longs for the days of the Prophet Muhammed, where Sharia law is strictly enforced and all things are either halal or haram, Bush and his buddies long for the 1950's, when uppity blacks sat in the back of the bus and women were like June Cleaver, keeping a perfect house. Bush and his Neocon buddies are the closest thing America has to the Taliban.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It is written!:

" The hats must always match the music"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A comment I made to CNN

This is in response to an article on Limbaugh now thinking he could support Sonia Sotomayor based on the possibilty she wouldn't support Wade vs Roe.

Rush is such a racist. Like this quote:"she's a Hispanic Catholic, Puerto Rican, they tend to be devout, " Like Blacks tend to have rhythmn, Jews tend to be cheap, American Indians tend to get drunk, Muslims tend to be terrorists. Fat Oxycontin popping liars tend to be "donkey"holes

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Osama surfaces again

There is a new tape from bin Laden. He bashes Obama and blames the US for the Pakistani military action in Swat. He says:"This basically means that Obama and his administration put new seeds of hatred and revenge against America. The number of these seeds is the same as the number of those victims and refugees in Swat and the tribal area in northern and southern Waziristan."

Gee has he been listening to Rush and Dick?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Now that we find out Saddam had no WMD and none other than Dick Cheney said today he was sure Saddam had nothing to do with Al Qaeda and 9/11, we must come to the conclusion that George and Dick killed more Americans needlessly than Osama and company got in their World Trade Center attack. Osama must be dancing(if thats allowed by the taliban) in his cave with joy. These dumbfucks killed their own people. Shit talk about war criminals

This is good!

By Julian E. Zelizer
Special to CNN
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Editor's note: Julian E. Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School. His new book, "Arsenal of Democracy: The Politics of National Security -- From World War II to the War on Terrorism," will be published this fall by Basic Books. Zelizer writes widely about current events.

Julian E. Zelizer says Sotomayor's critics are taking risks in focusing on affirmative action.

Julian E. Zelizer says Sotomayor's critics are taking risks in focusing on affirmative action.

(CNN) -- It seems as if Republican opponents of President Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court are now coalescing around the issue of affirmative action as their main point of attack.

Their focus is her ruling in Ricci v. DeStefano as well as her remark about the benefits that a Latina judge could bring to a court.

Just months after Americans made a historic decision to elect an African-American as president, this approach is a high-stakes strategy that poses huge risks for the GOP regardless of the outcome of this nomination.

Some Republicans, such as former Speaker Newt Gingrich, have called on their colleagues to aggressively oppose Sotomayor in response to arguments about affirmative action and liberalism that have been central to the base of the party. Other Republicans, including several in Congress, have suggested that this strategy would further marginalize the Republican Party among Hispanics, women and moderates.

By focusing an assault on affirmative action, Republicans would add African Americans and other minorities to that list, playing to the accusations of their opponents that the GOP is a white man's party.

The debate about Sotomayor's nomination is in many ways a strategic debate about the future of the Republican Party.

There are two paths rooted in history that the GOP could follow. The first is the model of Dwight Eisenhower, who served as president from 1953 to 1961. He believed the GOP should aim for as broad an electoral coalition as possible.

Eisenhower urged Republicans to accept that large parts of the New Deal would be permanent features of the political landscape. "Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history," Eisenhower wrote his brother.

At the same time, President Eisenhower was not scared to find issues that would distinguish his party from Democrats. He spent much of the mid-to-late 1950s railing against the Democratic Congress for spending too much on domestic and defense programs, making fiscal conservatism a signature issue.

Eisenhower's re-election effort in 1956 was a massive triumph. He won 35,590,472 votes and 457 electoral votes compared with Adlai Stevenson, who won 26,022,752 and only 73 electoral votes. Eisenhower even won in five Southern states, including Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana and Virginia, where the Republican Party had historically been weak. While Republicans failed to gain control of Congress, Eisenhower ended his presidency enormously popular.

But many Republicans were not impressed. Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who accused Eisenhower of supporting a "Dime Store New Deal," proposed a different vision for Republicans.

During his 1964 campaign against President Johnson, Goldwater called on his party to stand up for conservative principles. At the Republican convention in San Francisco, Goldwater attacked middle-of-the-road Republicanism. His supporters booed opponent Nelson Rockefeller, a liberal Republican, when he spoke to them. Goldwater told delegates that "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice . . . moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

Goldwater lost to Johnson in an electoral landslide. But his campaign set the agenda for the GOP in the coming decades. Conservative activists in the 1970s built on Goldwater's brand of politics and pushed their party to the right.

Ronald Reagan -- whose speech for Goldwater in 1964 propelled him into the national spotlight -- used the same kind of rhetoric and tactics as Goldwater to win the presidency against President Carter in 1980. Reagan formed close ties to the conservative movement. Republicans who were closely allied to the conservative movement took control of Congress in 1994.

President George W. Bush entered office with the ambitions of changing direction and trying to build a broader electoral coalition for the GOP through "compassionate conservatism" based on his experience in Texas. But Bush instead pursued an electoral strategy whereby the GOP played to the base of the party, writing off moderates and independents, and focusing on turning out the vote among loyal voters.

While the strategy worked between 2002 and 2005, when Republicans controlled the White House and Congress, the party has paid a heavy price in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Democrats regained control of Congress and then the White House.

Polls show that the public standing of Republicans has fallen dramatically. Sizable constituencies the GOP had hoped to attract -- including Hispanic voters -- have been moving steadily toward the Democratic Party and don't show signs of coming back. Indeed, Obama's selection of Sotomayor threatens to permanently secure that community's support for Democrats.

The threat that many Republicans perceive with an aggressive attack on Sotomayor is that they would simply aggravate these negative trends and lose anyway, given Democratic control of Congress and her credentials.

It is easy to envision the long-term damage that the GOP could incur from an increasingly diverse America watching white Republican senators attack the experienced Latino appointee of the first African American president, first by raising questions about whether this prize-winning student at two Ivy League universities is intelligent enough for the job and then by opening up a debate about affirmative action in America.

Republicans have an important choice to make, and Sotomayor is just the starting point: Do they want to be the party of Eisenhower or the party of Goldwater?

It might be that Republicans continue along the path that they have followed since the 1970s, using the Goldwater playbook and betting everything on the electoral strength of the right wing.

But Republicans might also take a second look at one of the more popular presidents of the post-WWII period, Dwight Eisenhower, who offered a very different vision of what the Republican Party could or should be. Indeed, Eisenhower's legacy might very well offer a building block for reconstructing their party.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Julian Zelizer.

All About Barack ObamaSonia SotomayorAffirmative Action

A suggestion for the military

Currently there are four service branches, Army, Navy, Air Force and the Marines. Each has a four star as service chief and sits on the Joint Chiefs. Each service has an area of responsibility. The Army, to fight ground wars, mainly conventional,The Navy takes care of the sea, weapons, troop and supply delivery. The Air Force covers offensive air, defensive air and missles and the Marines are America,s 911 first responders. We need a fifth branch. A Special Force, based on elements of the Special Forces, Seals, etc with a touch of good old CIA tactics. Special Force would address the current state of war, be it guerilla or terrorist and develop tactics to deal with neutralize such enemies. Conventional forces cant do the job as proved in Vietnam and Iraq. We need highly motivated, trained and educated specialists to form groups to deal with different unconventional war strategies. I would have troops in Afghanistan working much like the old mujahadin of the 80's. Mobile, fast, speaking Dari and Pashto and understanding the cultures and religion. I would focus another group on Iran and on North Korea. Another group would deal with terrorist groups in general. I'm not talking about regiment sized groups here, more like multi division sized groups, responible to their own. Special operations people are not always viewed highly in their respective services. They need one of their own.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What's happening to the Republicans?

How is it that the party of Lincoln, the freer of slaves has now become what, at times, seems to be a white supremacist organization. The far right version of the party seems, these days, to be little different from the KKK, Aryan Nation and The American Nazi party. Sad. Forget the names hung on Obama: Antichrist,Muslim terrorism, Facist, Marxist, weak on security etc. the real name they want to call him is Nigger and now he has appointed a Spic to be a supreme court justice(forgive my usage of politically incorrect epithets, but I am sure these words are echoed by Limbaugh,Gingrich,Cheney and company) As America moves toward a more diversified and homgeneous nation it scares the shit out these"I am destined to rule" old WASPs. Their day is over, their racism is over and hopefully their imperialism is over. And they are scared and that's what makes them dangerous. Now more states are coming to the conclusion that same sex couples deserve the same rights as married people. Listening, the other day, to Neal Boortz, i was surprised to hear him support same sex freedoms based on his view that the constitution guarantees equal rightrs to all. Well Neal is not a Republican, he is a Libertarian. While i don't agree with his assessments of the Obama administration, I respect his devotion to the Constitution. Oh yes, WASPs now ell have Fags to worry about.