Ole Rush, a traitor? Poster child for the republican party,prophet of hate, drug addict and all around hypocrite, a traitor? Say it ain't so, Mustafa. Well here's the deal. Rush wants Obama to fail, not very patriotic seeing as we are in an economic nightmare. Does he want his bailout to fail? Does he want his foreign policy to fail? Does he want more Americans needless killed in the Middle east? Is that enough? Probably not. Rush is demonizing Obama, with racist overtones(remember Barack the Magic Negro) to a large group of people whose main business is hate. One white supremist's website crashed on election night due the number of crazies who wanted to hate. So let's "energize'' all these people. All these gun toting, hate spitting crazies, let's get them riled up. Maybe, just maybe, he'll find some Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray to do the job he wants to do himself but is too much of a coward to try. Find a patsy, Rush. My faith in this country will greatly increase if Barack Obama makes it thru his 4 years without some asassination attempts,impeachment proceedings, or downright coup. If you are a spiritual person, please pray for the President, the crazies are loose.
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