Once again the troubled insurance giant, twice bailed out by taxpayer dollars,is in the news. After the first bailout,AIG fat cats went on a big spa junket. Now after receiving 173 billion in taxpayer funds, the execs treat themselves to 165 million in bonuses! Are they clueless? Don't they know we are in a depression? Of course they do, the just don't give a shit. They are better than you, the upper crust, the privledged, the elite, they deserve 165 mill for destroying their company. We have the Bernie Madoffs and now these guys. Its disgusting. The selfisfness and greed are going to destroy this country and they just don't care. Why should they, their millions are locked up in Cayman and Swiss bank accounts. If America implodes they'll just go somewhere else. Perhaps they get their marching orders from Rush Limbaugh, the traitor, spend,take, steal boys, so that Obama fails. Where are Robin Hood and his merry men? There seem to be an awul lot of Sheriffs of Nottingham around these days. Steal rom the rich, give to the poor, let them feel your pain!
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