Its been over 90 years since the end of World War I.When the Ottoman empire fell, Lawrence,Balfour,Sykes,Picot and others made a lot of promises they couldn't keep. They redrew the map of the Middle East to suit their imperialistic appetites. We have suffered chaos there ever since. Now that Bush,Cheney,Rumsfeld,and Wolfowitz have redrawn the lines in the Middle East, we will have another 100 years of chaos. Perhaps reason will prevail in the end, perhaps the Arabs will enter the 21st century and perhaps there will be peace. We can only hope.
America bungled into Iraq with no knowledge of the Iraqi people and no plan for recovery. Now that she is withdrawing, will Iraq be plunged into more sectarian violence, or will some kind o government take root to weld the 3 separate parts of Iraq into a nation? No one in the west wants any kind of Arab unity because it would spell death or Israel and the mother of all energy crises. Islam has to find a way to enter the 21st century that's acceptable to most of ulema(muslim legal experts). As long as the Sharia and the Hadith are going to worry about beard length and whether you have enough ankle exposed(the Prophet liked his dishdasha on the short side), its going to be a tough job. The Sharia and Hadith is sort of like the Jewish Talmud, a body of religious law. No efforts have been made to accomodate these scared tradtions to a post modern world. Religious police(checking beard lengths etc) have been part of the Islamic world for centuries. The fundamentalists come and go, but remember it was Islamic civilization that studied and translated Aristotle,Galen,Plato and Hippocrates, and brought Europe out of a very deep sleep called the dark ages. Will this too happen again?
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