Sudanese strongman Omar Bashir has expelled a whole bunch of NGO's from Darfur. This was his reaction to being found guilty of genocide and war crimes by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Thanks to tireless work of Luis Moreno-Ocampo the ICC has charged numerous Sudanese with crimes, including Ahmed Harun, formerly in charge of the Darfur genocide operations and now Minister of human rights in Sudan(nice touch, Omar). With the departure of NGO's there is going to massive starvation in the refugee camps in Darfur. There will also be mass migrations of starving Darfuri to the Chad border, where NGO's can barely handle the current refugee influx. Those fleeing will be attacked by the Jangaweed(Arab militia armed by Bashir) and raped, tortured and killed.
After the extent of the Holocaust became known the phrase "never again" was uttered. Never again genocide? Or never again genocide for the Jews? We have encountered genocide in Rwanda, where the world did nothing. We have encountered it in Bosnia, where the world reaction was too late, and now here it is in Sudan. Both UN and African Union are underfunded,politically hamstrung and basically ineffectual. Sudan is a failed state. It is engaed in a systematic campaign against the African south, both Muslim(in Darfur) and Christian. But no one lifts a finger. If suddenly some dictator arose in Europe and began a campaign of genocide against Christians or Jews, there would be great outcry and fast movement to end the crisis. But who cares about a bunch of Black AND Muslims out there in the back of beyond in some shithole no one ever heard about. Certainly not America and Europe. These people have the double whammy, Black and Muslim.
Darfur, at one time, was an independent sultanate, and cultural beacon in the Sahel under the Keira dynasty. Now it the boondocks. It seems no one cares. Its seems "Never Again" doesn't apply to the people.
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