God and the law seem to have been connected for ages. We see Moses with the tablets as an example of god being associated with the law. About this time is the civilized middle east, codes of law were being promulgated by rulers. Moses trumped Hammurabi by saying "God said so" Since then the two have have been indivisible. Religion became a way to control peoples lives. One only has to look at Jewish law and the Sharia to see how involved this concept has become. God's true law is beyond our understanding, and involves the way creation works. It is ever changing and totally fluid. One can't pin it down. We try but we fail. For example, we have set down "laws'' that govern the classification of species, however they don't fit. There is no firm border between one species and another, it is fluid. Canids are a great example, wolves, dogs and coyotes inter breed successfully beyond specific lines. Get into warblers and it gets really confusing.
One only has to look at the laws of Taliban to see how ridiculous these things can get. Taliban law regulates beard length, the length of your garment,etc, all based on traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. Christianity seemed to escape this kind of thing, at least the Talmudic law thing, thanks to St. Paul. Paul found that to gain conversion to his new faith, he had to put aside certain features of Jewish law, like circumcision and dietary laws. Paul realized no one was going convert to a faith that required penis mutilation. However, Christianity accepted Roman law and made it apart of the religion, especially after Constantine. For instance, one of the titles carried by the pope is Pontifex Maximus, or as it appears in English, Pontiff. The Pontifex Maximus was orginally the title of head priest of the old Roman state religion. Julius Caeser obtained this post early in his career and it became the province of the emperors ever since. Of course Caeser later was promoted to god status himself and this too became Roman tradition. Constantine had to drop this facade, but maintained, instead, to be god,s representive on earth, which later on translated into the divine right of kings.
Holy books are written by men, perhaps some divinely inspired, but men, none the less. The Torah,Bible, Buddhist sutras, and the Koran are examples of this. All written down after their prophet had died. Today the sun rose, the spring flowers are poking thru the snow, a possum decomposes into to food for myriad creatures. That is gods law.
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