It has been quite a week for rhetoric at both the UN and the G20. Netanyahu was more bombastic than Qaddafi,Ahmadinejad or Chavez. At G20 America, Britain and France united to condemn Iran in the strongest terms. Seems to me that is tacit permission for Netanyahu to unleash his jets. Once again Iran is the axis of evil. Both Qaddafi and Chavez actually made some sense(if you listened) So did Ahmadinejad(a little) The third world is fed up with western imperialism and exploitation. The third world is fed up with letting some nations possess nukes and not others. Holding the nukes guarantees world domination. Why not everyone get rid of them.
Regarding Ahmadinejad's ridiculous denial of the Holocaust, Chavez brought up Western civilizations denial of the Native American holocaust. Good point Hugo, and what of slavery?
Obama clearly sees what needs to change in America, but many Americans don't agree with change. Conservatism spells stagnation, always has, always will. Global warming will happen, oil will run out, capitalism will succumb to greed and like many times in history(1815,1914,1945 come to mind) a new world order will emerge. Somehow I doubt if the new world order will be any different from any of the others.
Only Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama stand above all this rhetoric
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