K.Well ya know i was at woodstock back in '69 Honeymoon camping across the country. We never planned to go, just heard about it on the radio and swept down from Ontario. Figured it was gonna be be an Event. And so it was. I was watching the Michael Wadleigh 1970 documentary and was over whelmed. One of the guys i am doing EMT with was there too and we've swapped tales. Is 40 yrs ago and been on mind. What an explosive time, time of awareness, spirituality and love. Great music, some of the best ever where music carried the revolution. There was the war and a country fed up with it, there was civil rights, a war on poverty, anew direction in spirituality, which Amerika lacked. Political,social, spiritual awareness floating on love.
What happened?Today I see hatred, racism, religious demagogery, and above all greed. Theres are war, no one gives a fuck. They don't even want to give people health care, hordes live in the streets and the only music I hear is the cash register.
We captured something in 69...... and lost it. We lost it to greed. Corporate amerika bought hip america and sold it. Back to us. Musicians, pop culturalists,and just plain stoned out heads made lots of money and the ideals went out as the cash came in.
I wanna say, what about your generation??? Where the fuck are you all at??
But is it perspective? Maybe these times are just as exciting for you as for me back in 69. Maybe its not the era but the age. maybe all we did is experience youth. Maybe every generation has its woodstock and vietnam. maybe some artist I don't know addresses injustice in song like Ritchie Havens. maybe it just youth, but whatever it was great!
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