While Obama struggles to get Americans basic health care and do his part to slow down global warming, conservatives spew forth hate that motivates America's under educated pop culture drunk populace. They might wish for the following scenario.
2012.... Rush Limbaugh is elected President, Sean Hannity as VP . Ann Coulter becomes secratary of defense, Pat Robertson enters the new office of secretary of Christian Morality. Legislation is passed to severely limit the congress and supreme court and laws come forth to regulate America.
All restrictions on carbon emissions are suspended as global warming is ruled a hoax.(Pres. Limbaugh now rides around in an armored Hummer) Coal is king and burnt without cleansing. Non Christians are deported to "religious education camps" Blacks are relegated to second class citzens with travel and work restrictions. All Hispanics are deported to the nation of familial origin. Mexico is invaded and subdued and managed to provide slave labor to boost American production. Islam is declared The Enemy and nuclear technology is used to blow Afghanistan and Pakistan off the map. Saudi Arabia is invaded and the oil industry nationized and run by Halliburton, with Dick Cheney acting as energy czar. While Middle America basks in the joys of Christian patriotism and cheap energy, China calls in her debts leading to another nuclear war intended to wipe China(and Russia) off the map.
Of course we know how this senario will end, Rush will commit suicide in the Fuhrer bunker located beneath the White House.
Go ahead, America, believe the conservative lies, you want to anyway return to 1956 but when its over America will rank below Burkina Faso in GNP.
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