Even with Barak Obama as president and a democratic congress, my local VA hospital does not yet have H1N1 vaccine, yet Walgreen's happily has it for SALE. The capitalist greed wins even during a liberal administration. Health care and environmental issues that will be passed will be so watered down as to be ineffective. The dems will settle for a healthcare bill that cares for no ones health. Insurance companies have spent millions to stop it. The system has broken. It no longer represents the will of the people, it represents, no matter what party, the will of corporate America.
Corporate America has already shown its utter irresponsibility and greed by precipitating what is now being called the "Great Recession" Jobs lost, savings lost,fat cats bailed out. American government in action. Rebuild Iraq(with shoddy materials) and ignore New Orleans. The military shares its bailiwick with Blackwater, Halliburton(or a subsidiary) gets most no bid contracts. Obama can't impliment his vision. Our America is gone. Sold,bought and paid for. Religion has degenerated into hate, salvation forgotten. Jesus' love and peace has morphed into a Neo Aryan creed of supremacy. And those supremacists know if they don,t get total control soon, birthrates will deprive them of a nation.
What's going to happen? Since the fat cats can't control their greed, they'll bleed us dry. Already infrastructures are crumbling and why rebuild them? They'll just use the same shoddy materials their using in Iraq. The working poor will lose more jobs to India or Malaysia and as government reigns in entitlements like social security, they will starve. Who cares, they are disposible, non contributors,parasites. Parasites we create more of everyday. Formerly America's proud and strong working class, they are reduced to discontented haters of everything, thanks to the twists that been added to Christianity in America. Hate is preached from the pulpit. Corporate America is concerned with oil, not this nation. Without oil, they collapse and no one seems to be inventing a new energy too quick.
The image I get of America in 10 or 15 years, is beginning to resemble the sates and satellites of the former Soviet Union in the late 80's and early 90's. Perhaps America's strength will cause it to survive,perhaps the working poor will abandon their slavish pursuit of republican ideals, perhaps a leader will emerge to save America from a third world scrape heap. Of course, he'll have to be a dictator.
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