Now i know why I'm not an increase in my social security check this year! Even though there is an economic problem and i am retired senior citizen and Vietnam veteran, my government has a better way to spend my money. Cash awards will be given to Taliban fighters who desert their cause! Now an old Afghani saying goes," You can rent an Afghan, but you can't buy one." Does our stupid government believe these people will change their belief systems for a little of my cash? Oh they'll take the money, buy some more AK-47's or semex for IED's and continue as usual. Perhaps, in order to make ends meet, I should don a turban and carry an AK and head for the nearest federal building to get my cash. Of course, they'll lock me up and throw the key way and invent some heinous plot I was involved it to blow up the local Mickey D's. On top of that insult, the Veterans Administration, suffering from a severe shortage of H1N1 vaccine, has told me i am not a priority patient. i am 64 years old with a heart condition, and am a wounded combat veteran, but appartently the criteria for getting the vaccine seems to be that you have to be young, between 5 and 18. Not that I see a whole lot of 5 year old veterans at my local VA.
I voted for Obama, and any of you who read this blog know I supported his candidacy. Now, i am beginning to think its all talk and no action. Either the military industrail complex owns so much of the American government, that it is impossible to get around their politician buying power, or Obama, while a brilliant man with a vision is, perhaps, unable to choose the right people for the job. So we get a very watered down environmental bill and probably a health care bill that does little besides write heath care on a piece of paper.
Look at New Orleans, still a disaster area. No one wants to spend money on people who aren't rich and influencial. Big corporations want the lower 9th ward for high priced industrial areas. So, insurance opts out of paying them and big corporations steal their land at bargain basement prices. Business as usual, no matter what the party.
I am just a member of a disposable class of people my government doesn't give a shit about anymore. Sad.
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