"Going Rogue",Palin's autobiography is out now in print. I'm certainly not going to spend, even the $4.95 that some conservative sites are offering. Actually, I would have prefered the book be entitled "Going Away". But Sarah doesn't seem to be going away. I've read the reviews, most say she whines, complains,lies and takes pot shots at those who've pissed her off. One reviewer, filmaker John Ziegler says," I was simply blown away by Going Rogue on almost every level. For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime." At every level?? It has levels? Will this book stand side by side with JFK's book, with the writing of Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln? Or has Mr. Ziegler got his hands on some new strain of cannabis that truly clouds the mind.
Sarah's not going away yet, that's for sure. Why is she so popular. Well, this is America so it must have something to do with the rich getting richer. She's in the news because she sells soap. Either you love her or loathe her, enough to click on every story CNN.com has out there and thus increasing her exposure. No one wants to read about Uyghur separatists or people starving in Africa. I believe the main reason Palin is so popular is that a lot of white Americans identify with her. White Americans who are under educated, white Americans who have a problem with an African American president, white Americans who can't think for themselves and let Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do their thinking. Christian conservatives who find, with each new scientific advance, their world crumbles. Its very similar to the fundamentalist Islamic view of an antiquated belief system. Many Americans find this, coupled with fears of terrorism,oil shortages, Hispanic and Asian migration, global pollution,the electronics explosion,in fact the rapidly changing world, scares the crap out of them. Conservatives, using the politics of division and hate, prey on these lost souls. If all you listen to is Fox news and Rush Limbaugh, your'e going to have a very different outlook on world affairs than someone who investigates and takes in all sides to make an educated choice.
These poor souls are terrified that all they have been taught to believe is going to collapse. The great Anglo Saxon race will be diluted by Hispanics, Asians and Blacks. Jesus isn't going to come again to restore the Anglos to their throne of domination. This is a back lash and they usually don't last long. These people are light years behind whats happening on the planet, but they vote. Even though the phenomenon is going to be short lived, look at the mess Hitler created in just 12 years. Be afraid, America, be very afraid
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