Although humanity's first deity might have been the bear cult(Neanderthal circa 100,000BC), our immediate forebearers(Cro Magnon man 40,000) are associated with a female Mother. Represented in paleolithic art by the numerous cave venuses found in Europe and Central Asia, it echoes the mystery of birth and creation. Caves become wombs and the creative aspects are foremost. Then we learn to study the skies and find our relationships with the music of the cosmos.( moon and menstrual cycles, snakes shedding skins and rebirth etc.) Our mythology becomes Goddess centered. Along comes Abraham and his elevated storm god(Yahweh) This changes everthing. The story of the end of Goddess worship is in Genesis. Eve consorts with the snake(common symbolic association of mothers and rebirth). She eats of the tree of knowledge and God expells her and Adam before they eat of the second tree(immortality) The snake and therefore nature become corrupt, woman cursed and demoted to second class citizenry and mankind inherits an original sin which Christ must be sacrificed for. Of the three Abrahamic faiths(Judaism,Christianity and Islam) Christianity retains more of the pagan incorporating much pagan symbolism. As nature is now corrupt, we have created evil, dualism. we have removed God to heaven. Enlightenment is the return to non duality.
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