I was a rather vocal and enthusiastic Obama supporter during the campaign. I saw the country become something very ugly in the Bush years, I feared for my income during the crash of 2008,I worried about the planets revenge for what have wrought here and and wondered all about declining oil supplies and agresstion in the Middle East. Obama seemed to understand. He said what I wanted to hear,ie: Change. Maybe back to the government of the people rather a government for sale to highest bidder. Hell, Halliburton sucked us dry, thanks, Dick! Obama has vision, I'll give him that. He knows whats needed. But he can't pull it quite off. His opposition, Republicans and big biz, are throwing massive amounts of dollars to buy their way. Health care is troubled because many legislators have been bought and paid for by the insurance lobby. The opposition continues to use fear and race to gain support of what I call the undereducated classes. So Obama's stymied.
Although he has vision, he may a problem either in choosing competancy or delegating authority. The performance of his cabinet has been lackluster. What's up in the west wing? Maybe nothing. Maybe I heard too much or not enough in the campaign, maybe after I heard what I wanted I stopped listening. Suffice it to say I am a bit disappointed. Is the Rovian fascist propaganda creeping into my brain? Or am I just greedy and want too much?
Granted, the whole national system is rotten,dilapidated,ineffective,bought and greedy. It's like a house that looks OK outside but is ridden with termite damage and ready to collapse. The financial crisis proved that. You'd have to build a completely new house, like Roosevelt. It's not that Obama ain't Roosevelt, it's congress and business that's different. Roosevelt was the closest thing to dictator we have ever had. Obama can't use that tactic as the Rovians have already painted him as a meglomaniacal anti christ.
Its a tough row to hoe, I wish him luck.
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