There is law being debated in Afghanistan to give Shiite law some kind of legality in the nation. Parts of that law address a husbands right to sex whenever he wants it. In other words, if the woman says no, it's rape. So western governments are all going thru the noise thats expected of them. To 21st century America and Europe it is unthinkable.However Afghanistan isn't in the 21st century and won't get there overnight. Yes, we need to be aware of human rights abuses, but how far do you go? One of the problems that a lot of the Dar el Islam(islamic world) has with America is that it tries to change things in their country to suit American values. No marriage rape but porn and liquor are OK. Now imagine a bunch of forward looking nations protesing the fact that we, in America, don't legalize gay marriages. Imagine them persuading us by economic means, like sanctions. We would be upset. Gay marriage goes against most American's view of the sacrament of holy matrimony. Yet it's human rights,isn't it. Why shouldn't gay couples enjoy the same benefits of partnership that hetrosexuals have. Because ours is homophobic society, so it doesn't happen. But is it any of Britain's,France's or Afghanistan's business the way we structure our society. Just another case of hypocracy. Nations of the world,by and large don't want America shoved down their throat.
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