Recently, there have been some interesting trends. Recruitment in far right wing militant organizations( read white supremist) has increased,national media figures like Rush Limbaugh have made statements that border on sedition, conservative politicians have echoed those seditious ideas,Tea parties have sprung up to protest bailouts and today the governor of Texas let slip that secession is certainly an option. Chuck Norris has apparently thrown his hat into the ring for President of Texas! But its not really about taxes, national debt,or bailouts,all a result of the failure of Bush 43. Its about race, pure and simple. We have an African American President and alot of whites don't really like that. He's been portrayed as the Antichrist and a Muslim. People who live on a steady diet of Fox news and Limbaugh have been stoked into a fury. Many of them come from sectors of the population that can best described as poor, uneducated, and white. Rednecks, If you will. Rednecks are no longer an exclusive Southern phenomenon, they cross the Mason Dixon line and embrace rural, poor and working class(whats left of it) white America. They can be swayed by propaganda that heralds a Muslim desire to conquer the world, they still salivate when communist and socialist labels are thrown about. ( Well indoctrinated during the cold war) For those with half a mind, there are plenty of books and movie "documentaries" to inspire more hate. What's next, civil war? Didn't we fight that one already?
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