America has been arrogant as a super power. We inherit, from our Anglo-Germanic core, that sense of superiority that spawned British imperialism and the Nazis. We expect other nations to see the perfection of our system and way of life and we are glad to force it upon them. We believe, as the Brits and Nazis did, that we are obliged to create a new world order based on our inate superiority over everyone else. It is also the patriotic pablum fed by hate mongers like Limbaugh and Fox news to America's great white unwashed. Uneducated and very pleased to be a member of a superior race, they still in their trailers, draw disability and curse change. As the system continues or tries to fleece the middle classes of everything in order to enrich the few, it's going to trickle down to "Joe Sixpack" and when it hits wallet he"s gonna turn on his Republican masters and realize he's getting hurt the most. He won't become a democrat, he's new force in American politics, a throwback to the isolationist polices America hid behind for most of her years. Already there are rumors of secession, downright sedition, and organized resistance. Where its masters are fascists or downright racists I woudn't know. But they scare the shit out of me.
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