"Daily", said Mullah Nasrudin to his wife, "I become more amazed at the manner in which nature is organized; and the way in which everything upon this
earth is in some way planned for the benefit of mankind."
She asked for an example. "Well, for instance, you note that camels have no wings, by the mercy of Providence."
"How does that help us?"
"Don't you see? If they had wings they might roost on housetops, and destroy the roofs, to say nothing of the noise and the nuisance of their chewing
and spitting their cud."
I heard this story differently.
Nasrudin had just purchased a brand new turban and was out to show it off with one of his students. Suddenly a flock of birds flew overhead, depositing on Nasrudin's new turban a large splatter of bird shit.
"Thanks be to God!" exclaimed the Mullah,"God is so great"
"Mullah"said his student,"How can you thank God when your brand new turban is now ruined"
"I thanks God" said Nasrudin,"because in his infinite wisdon, he did not give camels wings"
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