There have been new world orders since the dawn of history. Established empires(Roman,Chinese,Islamic.Ottoman and Hitler's 1000 year Reich) are all new world orders. As wars end, sometimes nations come together to create NWO's(my apologies to the band). The Congress of Vienna after Napolean's demise, The League of Nations after WW I and of course the U.N. All created,at least partially to divide the spoils. Bush 41 hinted at a new order. Of course I am not talking about the lunatic fringe conspiracy theories involving Freemasons,Elders of Zion, Communists etc, I am talking about something tha'ts happening now. These theories are not my own. I have been recently been reading works of Robert D. Kaplan and kind of agree with his analyses. The nation state is no longer the bulwark of the world, they are disolving, and rapidly. World population continues to increase exponentially, especially in developing nations. Food and water are beginning to grow scarce for a lot of the world. Desertification,soil depletion and pollution have driven millions to move into cardboard and tin slums near large cities. The wealthy are beginning to insulate. Private communities with fences and security,private water and electric generation facilities, bubbles,Kaplan calls them. Keep out the poor, the hungry, the thirsty. Its happening in America,private communties,a rise in homelessness that will increase as the economy fails. Supplyside, trickle down Reaganomics is a lie, it makes the rich richer, nothing trickles down but poverty. Expect to see nation states become enclaves of protected civilization and the rest will become kind of an Indian country. Power will be(and already is) in the hands of corporations,various mafias and narcoterrorists and gangs. Multination corporations will become like nation states, so your safe, lets say, if you live in Bechtelland or Exxonistan. Population will begin to come under control after the flood (global warming and massive ice melt) The flood will kill millions of poor in places Calcutta,Bombay,New York and New Orleans. Shanghai and coastal China will suffer,island nations may cease to exist and the privliged will continue the life of plenty behind their walls of modern weaponry. But the barbarians will come, they always do and it is they who will create a new world order to last another 50 or 100 years.
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