We all know the Bernie Madoff story, his Ponzi scheme, and subsequent arrest. Madoff is now suffering a humilating house arrest in his 7 million dollar apartment. While senior citizens, who invested their life savings with him, are eating cat food tuna in Florida. B.P. was a student at very prestigious military university, on scholarship, due to his football talent. I knew his family, so I'm not making this up. In the summer of his freshman year,B.P. made a grave mistake in judgement and was involved in a local armed robbery of a small restaurant. There was much local outcry, as the restaurant had just been bought by one of its waitresses,was a popular local eatery and B.P.'s accomplice was African American. B.P. recieved an 18 year sentence for this crime. His appeal, based on the serverity of the sentence(he pleaded nolo contendre) was lost in legal and bureaucratic shuffling. The sentence exceeded all legal guidelines and was based,probably, on emotions current at the time.I do not condone B.P.'s crime, although, aside from this one mistake, he was pretty good kid. However his life is ruined. A 19 year old kid, at the time of his arrest, he'll be almost 40 when he gets out of prison. He will probably be hardened, angry and antisocial. A life wasted.
Meanwhile Madoff is trying to hide his assests under the bed. Spiriting out jewelry and money. He's 70, by the time he comes to trial, he'll be unable to attend, due to health reasons.( the old Mafia don ploy) If he goes to jail, it will be to some country club federal resort, and not for long. His fortune will remain in tact and those seniors in Florida will continue to enjoy Nine Lives tuna casserole.
We have two seperate justice systems in America, one for the poor and one for the rich. If you can afford a great legal mind(very expensive!) you either get off, or get a slap on the hand. If your poor or a minority, you get slapped into some hellhole, where only the very strong survive(and the others become their wives) I have no doubt that no one will try to bugger Madoff if and when he goes to jail.
As this nations goes to hell, because of the greed of the wealthy, be it Wall street traders,bankers, or members of government, its time to reexamine the American justice system. The Bernie Madoff's of this nation need to pay for their crimes under an eqaul justice system. Madoff, to me, is no different than Jeffery Dahlmer. A monster. But not a monster who will suffer for his monstrousities.
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