When Americans think Iran, they think crazy Ahmedinejad, cussing Israel, denying the holocaust, building a nuke. But it all is a finely crafted device to turn our attention away from the fact thatIran is fact winning the Middle Eastern War big time. Gee, didn't even know we were at war with Iran? Iran has been at war with the US since Khomeini came to power in 79. Remember the Iran hostage crisis, Desert 1, Marine barracks in Beirut in 83. Yep Iran was engaging in terrorist war.
Sometime in the 90's Iran made the switch from terrorist state to regional superpower and America never took notice. America deals with Iran as a rogue state, like North Korea, but Iran is player.
Iran is well on its way to winning dominance over the Middle East and oil. We took out her biggest enemy, Saddam and handed her Shia Iraq and its oil on a platter. Why isn't
oil flowing from Iraq? It is , it's flowing to Iran. The Shia dominated Iraqi government has let Iran control oil, the Shia south and the police. Do you think the surge worked? Wrong, Iran just called back her proxy warriors. When Iran wants chaos in Iraq again,it will happen. Iran is interested in keeping the Americans in the 'quagmire". Actually two quagmires, Afghanistan too, where Iran grealyt influences western Afghanistan. Herat is essentially an Iranian city.
While Sunni Arabs, the Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudis,Syrians, PLO etc have failed to do anything about Israel with any success, Iran has sponsored both Hizbollah and Hamas, provided cash, weapons and guidance. Hizbollah and Hamas, with Iranian guidance, have made the jump from terrorist to politically viable organizations. Hizbollah defeated Israel, forced them out of Lebanon. The Sunnis havent forced Israel out of anything. For alot of oppressed Muslims, Sunni and Shia don't make much difference anymore, a winner does.
Most of the population of the oil rich Gulf are Shia, including those Saudis in al Hasa, where the oil is located. Iran is supporting those Shia and it may not be long before Bahrain, Qatar and UAE fall under Iranian influence. Iran controls the straits of Hormuz, a 12 mile wide choke point where the oil flows thru in tankers. Their side of the gulf is laden with Silkworm antiship missiles in hardened and underground bunkers. They can shut the Gulf down as easy as turning off a water tap.
Iran has been a power for over 2500 years, a country with Imperial pretensions. She is the strongest, and most stable state in the Middle East and she WILL have a say its future. If America continues on its present course of military startegy, we will lose the Middle East, bankrupt the nation and become a third world country. We need to treat Iran as an equal, simply because she is one.
Someone once said that American Middle Eastern policy is a table supported by four unstable legs. The first is Pakistan, an army not a state, not much different from the Iraq of Saddam.
The second is Saudi Arabia, rich with oil , but with no will to fight or defend its borders with a royal family more interested in spending money rather than being a mover/shaker in regional politics.
The third leg was the Shah of Iran,but that leg collapsed already.
The fourth, of course, is Israel, which has nothing to give America besides the Jewish vote at election time. Israel is no different from many other Middle Eastern nations, it flirts with terrorism. The occupation of Palestine is brutal, and human rights have no meaning for Arab Israelis. Israel is an embarrassment we cant't control, and has NO oil.
Boy, is America set up for a fall.
Iran doesn't need a nuke, she is already winning the Middle East.
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