It's everywhere, the debate on the morality and expediency of torture. As long as war exists, torture will continue. As long as police arrest suspects, torture will exist. Apparently military and law enforcement officials feel that law,morality and human rights are not guidelines they need to follow in their quest for "justice". I have been in two wars, a little one and a big one, I have been arrested and jailed both in America and the Middle East, so I have some experience, albeit limited on this subject. Torture is part of the madness of war, but law keeps it limited and underground. In Vietnam, I saw torture, amongst many other crimes, but was not the norm. I have experienced police brutality, but again, its a few cops, not the majority. The post 9/11 mindset of the Bush administration opened the door for more abuses and gave the definition of torture( and genocide) to the lawyers, which guarantees no answer for a long time. But they tolerated more it, to obtain answers, than previous American administrations. Like I said,we can't end torture until we end war, and we are long way from that.
In world affairs, America has always taken the high moral ground, standing for freedom,justice,equality,human rights and tolerance. That, at least, is the offical doctrine, beneath it plenty of these fine values are ignored. But as long as America talks the talk, she needs to attempt to walk the walk. America has institutionalized hypocrasy as a form of diplomacy.How can we expect the world to come to her aid in the many fine things done by America, if she so blantantly puts her self above the rules of order she expects others to follow. It has been proven by the FBI and others, that torture doesnt work. Col. Bui Dinh, a Viet Cong leader was tortured for 10 years with no results. Torture is a tool of anger and selfishness rather than a tool of interrogation. America shoild not tolerate torture by her institutions. She has made a mockery of the Geneva convention and turned UN sanctions( OK for those she is against, Iraq,Iran and not valid for Israel) into a joke. Being the world's only superpower, she should rather be a role model than a bully.
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